Member-only story
Not Getting the EarningsYou Want On Medium? Try This Site Instead!
Double your earnings without writing more articles.
I have been on Medium since October of 2020 and I’ve developed a love/hate relationship with this site.
Even with daily posting, and for a short while posting twice a day, I still struggle to get views, and when I do they aren’t turning into reads and that’s what matters.
A friend told me that I choose the wrong niche and that nobody is going to come here looking for advice on how to become a better author, but this is what I’m passionate about and what I know best so it’s what I'll continue to share.
Before the New Year, I came across an article. I wish I had saved it so I could credit it, but the author said they doubled their Medium earnings by posting the same articles they write here on another site.
I was intrigued and bookmarked the site Vocal for a later thought but didn’t come back to it until just days before the first of the year when I…